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Midwifery Personal Statement

I am a mature student, and a healthcare professional with fifteen years’ experience of working with patients suffering from various types of emotional distress.  It is clear to me that one of the most acute examples of this health problem is to be found among new mothers, and that perinatal care is of the highest importance if serious consequences and much unhappiness are to be avoided.  Recent research has suggested that psychiatric factors are a growing cause of maternal death, and I believe that it is imperative for midwives to be trained in ways of dealing with these potentially tragic cases, by learning how to recognise the signs of acute emotional distress in mothers, being aware of the risks involved, and knowing what strategies to adopt to help patients.  This has become a driving interest for me, and I have developed an ambition to study midwifery and combine this knowledge with my own practical experience of caring for patients with psychological problems. I am drawn to midwifery as a specialist area of medical care partly because of my own preference for the practical and the “hands on”.  I have always found creative, direct and interactive models of learning more accessible and productive, and I love working in the clinic with immediate contact with my patients.  At the same time, I know that, as a midwife, I need to learn the principles of microbiology, pharmacology, anatomy and physiology, and such technical matters as infant feeding.  I would hope to study aspects of complex and complicated childbirth, and the midwife’s role in such events.  I am particularly interested in special and critical care of neonates, and of maternal medical conditions, and I need to learn the practices of midwifery case-holding and caseload management.  Other areas of great interest are those of antenatal care as well as postnatal care and the transition from the neonatal unit to independence.  Parent education and public health issues are also crucial.

I believe that my experience in health care has already given me many insights into a number of these issues.  For the past twelve years I have worked as a senior practitioner and deputy manager of a clinic dealing with eating disorders, and treating some deeply distressed patients.  I have a current caseload of 30 clients, and my main duties include processing referrals and carrying out detailed psychological assessments, liaising with GPs and devising treatment plans for some very intractable cases. Patients suffering from anorexia cannot be treated in isolation, and it has become clear to me how this condition causes deep emotional disturbance to the individual and also to his or her family.  Family members need much support.  The condition has an impact on all those emotionally involved with the sufferer, who often feel impotent, guilty, angry and upset, and are very much in need of support and advice, which my own specialist knowledge, understanding and experience give me the opportunity to offer them.  I have worked with cases involving emotional distress, depression, anxiety, OCD and personality disorders, using various modes of therapy and care.  At the same time, as manager, I oversee staff and administration, and maintain links and communication with other clinics, centres and health teams, and I have been given considerable autonomy in the setting up and ongoing management of the clinic.

I am a mother myself, and enjoy the role of guide and carer.  One of my leisure-time activities is running, and I take part in races, which calls for some considerable determination and self-belief.  I believe that my work record demonstrates my ability to function as part of a group as well as on my own – essential qualities for a midwife – and the responsibilities the clinic has entrusted to me show their confidence in my professionalism and maturity.  I have proved my ability to make complex analyses and decisions, and to guide others in my care.  I have demonstrated leadership ability, while also always remaining calm under pressure.  I feel a serious, even a passionate desire to use my professional training and experience to help those who are suffering from mental distress, and I hope that as a midwife I shall be able use my knowledge to improve the fate of some very vulnerable people.  I hope you will consider my application.


This Midwifery Personal Statement sample can be used by students who want help with their own personal statement and UCAS application to university.